Digital Place Promotion
Amplify your virtual visitor experience
Most people go online to research places before visiting, so they need access to comprehensive and reliable information. The bubltown LcommerceTM solution helps to create a unified virtual visitor experience and make destination marketing much... much easier.

Why should you care?
90% of people look online first
The vast majority of people begin their search for local goods & services online, often long before venturing into town. If information about what's available in your digital place is too scattered, insufficient, or unreliable - you're guaranteed to be losing local customers before they even walk through the door.

Comprehensive & Current
Empower your place to promote itself
Local businesses are the fabric of what makes our places unique, and a great local mix is usually central to decisions about where to visit. But online information is so rarely complete, accurate or updated - primarily because it would take a small army of destination marketeers to keep it so.
...but imagine if every local business could easily promote itself along with its' goods, services, events and experiences? How easy would that make promoting a place? How much time and money would that save?
Stop imagining. Build that army with bubltown's multi-tenant digital place software.
Kickstart local success with better digital discovery

Local Businesses
Show off your amazing local businesses & hidden gems in retail, beauty, health, and beyond.
Things to Do
Give a feel for the real local flavour with events, attractions, experiences & activities.
Drink & Dine
Promote your vibrant scene of local restaurants, cafés, pubs, clubs, bars & beyond.
Kick the kiosks and help people get around with live directions & travel info at their fingertips.
Trusted Reviews
Highlight local favourites by having local people rate and review.
For those who still aren't sure what to do or where to go, let them ask a local for ideas.
Connect the Dots
One Physical Place. One Digital Place.
Local businesses exist in one physical place - yours - so why are we content with them existing (or not existing, as is so often the case) in hundreds of disparate digital destinations? How does that give visitors a feel for local flavour?
With a digital place powered by bubltown's powerful LcommerceTM engine, you can streamline promotional budgets and maximise digital discovery by creating a single source of local truth.

Neighbourhoods & Communities
One place. Many Communities.
It's rare that a place is known locally by just one name. It's even more rare that a place has a uniform identity across all neighbourhoods, town centres and high streets.
With bubltown's digital place software you can ensure locals and visitors get a feel for all the diverse cultures and communities which make your place a great one to live, work and visit.