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Easy to Use

Made for the full spectrum of digital skill

Whether it's owing to a lack of time, tools, understanding or resource - local businesses are all too often excluded from the full potential of the digital economy.

With our easy-to-use Dashboard and 24/7 support team, we have the tools to get them all online and thriving - no matter their level of experience.

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Analysis & Insight

Sustainable growth through learning

The bubltown Business Dashboard provides your local businesses with easy-to-use tools that empower them to review the performance of their campaigns, reveal insights, and make improvements for faster growth.

Powerful Tools

Award-winning Lcommerce capabilities

The bubltown LcommerceTM platform will empower your local businesses with access to the most powerful digital tools and technologies for local growth, including:


Automated digital marketing

  • Promotional Campaigns
  • Ecommerce & Mcommerce
  • GDPR-compliant data capture
  • Loyalty & Retention
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Business Profile

Success begins with awareness

With 90% of people beginning their search for local businesses online, if yours aren't there - or if they're not easy to find - then there's huge economic potential being left on the table. Get them started with a beautiful business profile to show off their wares:

Profile Images
About Us
Opening Hours
Contact Information
Directions & Live Travel Information

Everything a local business needs

With the click of a button, your local businesses will be able to self-administer and manage their profiles in your LcommerceTM App and Website - doing everything they need to succeed:

Promote themselves
Run marketing campaigns
Promote events, products and services 
Track sales & analyse performance
Chat with local customers
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Staff Management

Tools for the entire team

Owners and managers can give their staff members access to the Business Dashboard too - helping to offload some of the more transactional, day-to-day activities involved in growing the digital side of a local business.

Here to Help

Everything a local business needs

Our platform is designed to be easy for local businesses to use without support, but we also assign each business a dedicated Account Manager who can help them to maximise its full value:

Onboarding, Training & Support
Marketing Campaign Strategy
Digital Marketing Materials
Business Growth Consultancy
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Sound good?

Let's empower tomorrow's local businesses, today